Gamygyn's Escape

The rescue of Gamygyn The handgunners of Gunther's company looked out from the old tower, it was cold on the open top, but the stench from their prisoner was so foul that this was still better than being inside. The elf mage Calarion had joined them and it was he who first spotted movement in the forest. Slowly in a great curve, the figures of the northmen and their terrible hounds emerged from the forest, they had come for their master. The marauders advanced through the forest, nearing the watchtower before the defenders could react. One group of warhounds and one group of horsemen went around the tower to try and cut off the stradiots who were arriving from their patrol. Some axes thrown by the horsemen clattered harmlessly off the brickwork of the tower. Inside the tower Calarion tried to gather the magical power to unleash a fireball on the horsemen, but felt the power drain away as Gamygyn cackled madly, it seemed that the bindings which prevented him for exercising ...