
The Ambush in the Mountains

  The ambush in the mountains The survivors of Udolpho, both soldiers and citizens had fled north east as the town had fallen. Their newly appointed leader, The lady angelica had decided that they would head out through the mountain passes, gathering supplies and reinforcements from the scattered guardposts that dotted the narrow paths, before turning southeast and making for Toscania or even Ravola. At the same time she had sent messengers out ahead to warn these cities of what had happened. The caravan was long and slow and the mountains dangerous. At the edge of the foothills near Toscania the caravan was horrified to spot foul ratmen emerging from the morning mists of the mountain. Quickly the soldiers moved to the front, while the rest of the caravan made haste behind them. Angelica gathered her knights and prayed that any help from Ravola would be quick in arriving. Snikrit cackled madly to himself, as was his habit, as he watched his minions forming up amongst the bro

The Battle of Piccola Via del Nord

  The Battle of P iccola Via del Nord It had been almost a week since the fall of Udolpho and little had been seen of the attackers. Many peasants from the outlying villages had fled south to the safety of Miragliano 's mighty walls, bringing tales of the undead, but little reliable information about what had happened in detail was available. This all changed when the boarder guard reported a force marching down the piccola via del nord. What was more alarming for the city council was that rather than moving slowly and raising more corpses from the villages and old battle sites, the undead were making good speed following the road. A force of city mercenaries was quickly gathered and rushed north to face the undead on the road. The mercenaries were under the nominal command of the man who hired them, Prince Loren of Miragliano, also known as “the goddess’s knight” by the common folk of the region. Actual command was split between Captain Yuri, a former empire solider

Carl Franz Cup 3 Warhammer Fantasy Tournament part 3

  Game 3 I now faced Rodin in the final round, The same chap I had faced in the previous 2 tournaments in the final round and had beaten both times. He had his High Elves again. His army was like a much more muscly version of mine. He had a death mage lord with the book of Hoeth and a BSB on horses in a big unit of 14 silver helms. 1 Prince on a Moondragon, 2 Frostheart phoenixes and 2x5 Ellyrian reavers. Almost nothing I had could fight these big monsters and they completely outclassed my monsters. We were playing battle for the pass. Rodin took the first turn. He moved his army up, keeping the frost heart phoenixes out of charge range as it is possible that a lucky charge from my horsemen could break them through combat resolution. His dragon moved up on the left in a position to counter charge any unit that went into his big silverhelm block who had also moved up. His magic could only reduce the strength and toughness of my noble on gryphon. His reavers did a wound as they

Karl Franz Cup 3 Warhammer Fantasy Tournament part 2

  Game 2 In my next game I faced RG, who had come first in the previous tournament. His was fielding Bretonnians with 2 blocks of knights, 1 realm and 1 errant, 1 small group of grail knights and a 3 Pegasus knights some archers and a trebuchet. He had a lord and 4 paladins, 1 on a Pegasus and a prophetess wizard lord. The mission was meeting engagement. RG deployed his army first mostly slightly back into his corner with the Pegasus knights and grail knights not arriving and the archers going in a house. I also deployed carefully, forgetting that he would probably pray. My dragon mage and silver helms did not arrive. Turn 1, I went first and moved up slightly, with most of my power on my left flank. I don't think magic did much this round, though I was able to get flaming sword on my archers. In the shooting phase, despite only 15 being in range due to my bad deployment the archers did 4 wounds to the trebuchet and killed it. Already one of the biggest dangers to me was gon

Karl Franz Cup 3 Warhammer fantasy 8th Tournament

  I attended the Karl Franz 3 tournament in Hachioji in the middle of January. This event used the Warhammer Fantasy 8 th edition rules. There were less player than previous events due to a lack of awareness of the event and illness. My army was a mad high elf army with 5 monsters including 2 flamespire phoenixes, 2 mages on sun dragons and a noble on a griffon. Some knights and archers finished off the set. The list is below. Archmage (185) (death) on sun dragon (235), golden crown of atrazar (10), lv 4 (35) 465 465 Dragon Mage (350), dragon armour (10), 360 Noble (70) on Griffon (150) enchanted shield (5) 225 585 20 archers (200) musician (10), banner (10) 220 5 silver helms (105) shields (10), full command (30) 145 5 silver helms (105) shields (10), banner(10), champion (10) 135 500 flame phoenix 225 flame phoenix 225 450 2000 (Note, as I had so many fliers my movement was ver

Gamygyn's Escape

The rescue of Gamygyn The handgunners of Gunther's company looked out from the old tower, it was cold on the open top, but the stench from their prisoner was so foul that this was still better than being inside. The elf mage Calarion had joined them and it was he who first spotted movement in the forest. Slowly in a great curve, the figures of the northmen and their terrible hounds emerged from the forest, they had come for their master. The marauders advanced through the forest, nearing the watchtower before the defenders could react. One group of warhounds and one group of horsemen went around the tower to try and cut off the stradiots who were arriving from their patrol. Some axes thrown by the horsemen clattered harmlessly off the brickwork of the tower. Inside the tower Calarion tried to gather the magical power to unleash a fireball on the horsemen, but felt the power drain away as Gamygyn cackled madly, it seemed that the bindings which prevented him for exercising

The Battle of Petrizzi Part 2

 The battle of Petrizzi part 2. The archers on the hill again fired into the Khorne warriors while Calarion, realising the dangers of his situation, turned and ran down the hill towards the ogre leadbelchers. The twins, Big Makh and Kortor Pounder, charged into the rallied marauders and Gamygyn again rather than the ranks of magically armoured chaos warriors. The dwarves tried to join the great combat that was about to start in the centre between the generals of both ogre forces, but the lacked the leg power and pulled up short. The giant stopped running and turned to face the chaos forces. Elesando Contti, who had been leading the small group of knights, left them to chase a group of warhounds that had broken though one of the gangs of the goblins the followed the ogres. Big Makh smashed Gamygyn into the ground, while Kortor crushed several marauders, and the rest scattered and fled, though not before they had mortally wounded the last irongut with their flails. The twins turned to f