Campaign Update and some thougths on The Old World

The Campaign so Far The vaults campaign started in the summer of the imperial year 2491 . Early on the the undead mar ched out of the Blighted Marshes and captured the town of Udolpho sending refugees, lead by Lady Angelica, fleeing east through the mountains where they and forces from nearby Ravola fought battles with expanding Skaven, After Udolpho, the necromancer Xebulon lead his forces south to envelope Miragliano, but was stopped by the defenders on the road north. To the south Norse raiders, lead by a Tzeench sorcerer named Valac and a Nurgle sorcerer named Gamygyn landed near Viadaza and proceeded to ravage the countryside. The forces of Viadaza marched out, but after some of their ogre mercenaries betrayed them they were badly defeated, though the captured the sorcerer Gamygyn. Gamygyn was later to escape into the forests to the east. Where we stand now In the north the undead and, their as of yet unseen, leader gather to the west of Miragliano and pre...