
Consequences of the Battle of Cesana

The Battle of Cesana was consequential in a number of ways. The first and most immediate was the defeat of the Orc horde and the preservation of Cesana. The second was the effect on the people in Ravola . They had suffered much during that year ( 2491 ) at the hands of the undead and perfidious ratmen, an attack by the orcs looked to be the beginning of the end for the town. However the victory was decisive and well won. The grain supply for the winter was secured and confidence began to return to the beleaguered soldiery. Talk began to be heard of a counter attack in the spring, of marching to the aid of Miragliano. The third effect resulting from the battle was to be felt to the north, in Marguilles. The count Gui deBague was said to have planned to occupy the pass and Ravola after the orcs had ravaged the area. Instead, he had to deal with the remnants of the orc horde turning around and going back through his lands. His plans, at least for the short term, seemed to hav...

The Battle of Cesana

  Where the Irrana mountains and the Vaults meet there is a large valley which acts as the main connection between Bretonnia and Tilea. Where exactly the border falls is open to some interpretation, and many battles have been fought over this question. In the Autumn of the year 2491 these issues were once again tested when an unusually large band of marauding Greenskins came down out of the inhospitable Irrana mountains. The numerous villages which dotted the road main road between Tilea and Bretonnia called out for aid. However, the Count of Marguilles, a figure of ill repute named Gui deBague, announced that as the area was claimed as Tilea, the prince of Miragliano was duty bound to protect them. The Count must have been aware that Miragliano was currently menaced by the undead and unable to respond. Perhaps, he was planning on taking the area after it had been ravaged by the orcs, but he hand not reckoned that others would move to defend the valley. Kazad Frukund was no...

Warhammer Lustria Campaign

 As one of our players has a new Lizardmen army and I can not think of a way to work them into the current campaign we will start a new one. The new campaign will run concurrently as the Vaults campaign and games can be set in either one. The campaign will be the New World Campaign. This is the map The New World constantly calls to the dreams of adventures and scoundrels. The promise of untold riches, just waiting to be plucked from the jungle is a charm which draws ships from all across the old world and beyond. As the year of 2491 came to a close a new wave of heroes and villains arrived to try their luck. The first to set out was a band from Port Reaver. Mostly made up of mercenaries from the Empire, as well as a few of the more unhinged sort, the band was lead by an adv enturer turned preacher named Xavier. Spending surprisingly little time in the port, the band quickly started their way inland, ignoring the warnings of those in the port. They were only a few days into t...

The Loren Highway Battles

 The Loren Highway Battles While tumultuous events were occurring in north west Tilea, in the east other forces were moving. What follows is an account gathered from various sources over several months. One of the main routes of trade connecting the Empire to southern Bretonnia and Northern Tilea is the Loren highway, a long dangerous road that runs between the forest and the mountains. The most dangerous part of this road is the Mondidlier pass which runs just south of the wild woods, perhaps the most dangerous part of Athel Loren. The Loren Highway. It was along this pass a large body of dwarfs from Kazad Elgazund set out in the autumn of 2491. The small band of greenskins that were lurking in the area were soon driven off and (foolishly) fled into the woods. It was here that they encountered the forest spirits and their elf allies. What transpired is unknown to mortal men, but the orcs and goblins did not return, save for 1 chariot which was reported on the road some 3 da...

Campaign Update and some thougths on The Old World

  The Campaign so Far The vaults campaign started in the summer of the imperial year 2491 . Early on the the undead mar ched out of the Blighted Marshes and captured the town of Udolpho sending refugees, lead by Lady Angelica, fleeing east through the mountains where they and forces from nearby Ravola fought battles with expanding Skaven, After Udolpho, the necromancer Xebulon lead his forces south to envelope Miragliano, but was stopped by the defenders on the road north. To the south Norse raiders, lead by a Tzeench sorcerer named Valac and a Nurgle sorcerer named Gamygyn landed near Viadaza and proceeded to ravage the countryside. The forces of Viadaza marched out, but after some of their ogre mercenaries betrayed them they were badly defeated, though the captured the sorcerer Gamygyn. Gamygyn was later to escape into the forests to the east. Where we stand now In the north the undead and, their as of yet unseen, leader gather to the west of Miragliano and pre...

The Ambush in the Mountains

  The ambush in the mountains The survivors of Udolpho, both soldiers and citizens had fled north east as the town had fallen. Their newly appointed leader, The lady angelica had decided that they would head out through the mountain passes, gathering supplies and reinforcements from the scattered guardposts that dotted the narrow paths, before turning southeast and making for Toscania or even Ravola. At the same time she had sent messengers out ahead to warn these cities of what had happened. The caravan was long and slow and the mountains dangerous. At the edge of the foothills near Toscania the caravan was horrified to spot foul ratmen emerging from the morning mists of the mountain. Quickly the soldiers moved to the front, while the rest of the caravan made haste behind them. Angelica gathered her knights and prayed that any help from Ravola would be quick in arriving. Snikrit cackled madly to himself, as was his habit, as he watched his minions forming up amongst the...

The Battle of Piccola Via del Nord

  The Battle of P iccola Via del Nord It had been almost a week since the fall of Udolpho and little had been seen of the attackers. Many peasants from the outlying villages had fled south to the safety of Miragliano 's mighty walls, bringing tales of the undead, but little reliable information about what had happened in detail was available. This all changed when the boarder guard reported a force marching down the piccola via del nord. What was more alarming for the city council was that rather than moving slowly and raising more corpses from the villages and old battle sites, the undead were making good speed following the road. A force of city mercenaries was quickly gathered and rushed north to face the undead on the road. The mercenaries were under the nominal command of the man who hired them, Prince Loren of Miragliano, also known as “the goddess’s knight” by the common folk of the region. Actual command was split between Captain Yuri, a former empire solider ...