Warhammer Fantasy 8th Tournament 'The Karl Franz Cup' Part 2

Game 2

Matt Riley- wood elves

Treeman Lord


glade guard

glade riders x2

sisters of the thorn

Way watchers

Game 2 was against wood elves and I had gotten quite lucky as the army had arcane bodkins on the glade guard, which would do little to me as my best armour save was only 5 plus, also the treeman had lower initiative than the giant and my black orcs had the flaming attacks banner. The only real threat was that I would get shot down to low enough numbers where the dryads or riders could finish me off. The scenario was 2, dawn of war. Due to random deployment most units of both armies were on the left or center with only the goblin wizard on the right.


Through out the whole game I was lucky with my saves and shooting, with the savage orcs only losing about 6 of their number on their way across the board after I made at least half of their 6+ saves. My war machines wiped out the way watchers and most of the glade guard. The only bit of bad luck I had was then the giant fell over trying to cross an obstacle on his charge to the treeman. However, the treeman then misscast and sucked himself into the warp saving me the trouble of fighting him. The night goblin bows also panicked off the glade riders by shooting 2. In the end I had lost my wolf riders and my BSB and maybe my savage orcs and the elves had left the table fully.


Thanks to this big win I was now in second.

Game 3 Rodion Zudin – High Elves

Lord on Horse

Dragon mage on dragon

20 sea guard

10 dragon princes

5 reavers x2

Game 3 was against high elves and the army scared me slightly. The large unit of dragon princes with the lord and a dragon hero were both strong and I lacked a real counter, as my units were not really strong enough to take the charge and still have numbers left to put up a good fight. But then scenario 6 'the watch tower' was rolled and I was saved. To make matters worse for Rodion he won the tower roll, so lost the first turn. The sea guard went into the tower.

On turn 1 the black orcs failed to charge the tower, but the night goblin archers failed animosity, rolled a 6 and then moved towards the reavers, then made a big charge and despite failing the fear test, killed 2, beat them by 1, broke them and ran them down. The goblins had moved something like 28 inches in 1 turn and were now in the fair right corner, and out of the battle. Magic did nothing but a couple of dragon princes were killed by a doom diver, also the dragon took 3 wounds from a spear chukka.

The elves moved up and the dragon moved up to flame the goblins, but was hit by a fanatic, took another 3 wounds and died, leaving the mage standing alone 8 inches from the goblins. He cast cloak of fire on himself and prepared to meet his end.

The loss of the Dragon has so shocked the mage he has turned all pale.

Turn 2 and the black orcs went into the tower and killed 12 of the sea guard, they lost 2, the sea guard held and the orcs stepped back to wait for the next turn. The goblin wolf boss went to stand in front of the dragon princes as the wolf riders on the left did the same with the reavers facing the war machines. The other wolf riders and night goblins charged the mage who went down, but not before he wounded the bsb and incarcerated all the wolf riders on his flaming cloak.

The dragon princes killed the boss, and the reavers killed the wolf riders.

Turn 3, the black orcs killed all the sea guard and now settled down into their second tower of the day. The giant charged the dragon princes and started jumping up and down.

Over the next couple of turns the giant killed all the dragon princes before the lord cut him down and he fell backwards, missing everyone. The reavers took their time killing the war machines, a one point 5 charging reavers managed to kill none of the goblin crew, and even loose one of their own in return, it was some really amazing rolling by Rodion. The game ended with just the reavers and lord left, who had charged my savage orcs and bagged my warboss. I had lost the warboss, most of the war machines and all my wolf riders.

The black orcs in their second tower of the day

This game was basically over on turn one after the dragon got fanaticed. Of course Rodion did his best to help me by failing to kill any goblins with 5 charging reavers.

So I had come out on top. Mostly due to luck, and the watch tower. All my games had been very fun. And there were some great armies. I am already thinking about what to do next time.

After this I was able to finish first in the points ranking and after the additions of painting and sports I was also able to win the Karl Franz Cup as well as best general, which really was the icing on the cake.

All my games had been very fun. And there were some great armies. I am already thinking about what to do next time.


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