Karl Franz Cup 3 Warhammer fantasy 8th Tournament


I attended the Karl Franz 3 tournament in Hachioji in the middle of January. This event used the Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition rules. There were less player than previous events due to a lack of awareness of the event and illness.

My army was a mad high elf army with 5 monsters including 2 flamespire phoenixes, 2 mages on sun dragons and a noble on a griffon. Some knights and archers finished off the set. The list is below.

Archmage (185) (death) on sun dragon (235),

golden crown of atrazar (10), lv 4 (35) 465


Dragon Mage (350), dragon armour (10), 360

Noble (70) on Griffon (150) enchanted shield (5) 225


20 archers (200) musician (10), banner (10) 220

5 silver helms (105) shields (10), full command (30) 145

5 silver helms (105) shields (10), banner(10), champion (10) 135


flame phoenix 225

flame phoenix 225



(Note, as I had so many fliers my movement was very confused, so I have not made maps for these reports.)

My plan was to fly around and avoid combat while damaging the enemy with shooting and magic and then attack all at once. It was a bad plan as magic is unpredictable and the fighting power of my units was very low. They could do little to hurt heavy cavalry and would die easily. We scored points from enemy units we destroyed with a 1000 point bonus for winning.

So how did I do?

My first game was against Nick and his old school Chaos Warriors. This was his first game of 8th as he normally plays earlier editions. His army was made up of:

1 Daemon Prince

1 Tzeench Sorcerer Lord on disk

2 units of warriors with shields

2 units of knights

10 warhounds

4 ogres

It was a solid list. I had little answer to the knights and warriors except for a getting lots of units to attack them at the same time. The prince could out muscle any of my monsters quite easily as well.

We were playing “The Watch Tower” and I lost the roll off, so one the first turn. However, I had no way of getting the unit of warriors out of the tower, except maybe terror.

In my first turn I got off a purple sun but it fell short of the ogres and my attacks on the unit in the tower did nothing.

In the chaos turn they moved forward but the magic did nothing as I dispelled it.

In my turn I put one unit of Silver Helms into the hounds and in a moment of madness put a phoenix into the chaos knights on my left side. My other flies moved about with the death mage getting to the side of his battle line and the dragon mage behind the line. In the magic phase he dispelled one of my death spells but next was purple sun which went down the line, but only got 3 ogres due to everyone else having high initiative. However, due to death magic's attribute, they gave me more magic dice which I used to take 2 wounds from the wizard lord. The archers then shot him, but he made his 3+ armour save. In combat the silver helms broke the hounds and ran them down, while the phoenix managed to kill 1 knight, win combat by one and then break and run them down. It was a major stroke of luck and made me look like a tactical genius.

In the chaos turn the warrior unit on the left turned around to face the various threats that were coming from every direction. While on the right the knights continued forwards along with the daemon prince. The sorcerer flew around near my mage and the last ogre charged the silver helms. The sorcerer lord cast some spells but the Tzeench firestorm scattered off target and the blue fire was strength 2 and did nothing. The ogre killed one, but took 2 wounds in return, despite loosing by 1 he refused to run.

Turn 3 for the high elves and there was little action, 1 phoenix was near the back of the board while 3 of the monsters circled the warriors. The archers managed to take the sorcerer lords last wound and the silver helms did nothing to the ogre who again held by himself.

In the chaos turn the daemon prince made a long charge into the phoenix at the back of the board, while the knights charged the archers. The warriors reformed to try to hide some of their flanks. In combat the knights wiped out the archers, but failed the ld test and had to chase them off the board. The daemon prince and phoenix would fight for a couple of turns before the phoenix eventual died, leaving the prince on 1 wound.

In my turn the 4 the warriors were charged by a dragon mage, 1 phoenix, the noble on griffon and 2 units of silver helms. More than half of the warriors died and with their strength sapped by the mage they did little back and were run down, though now so many units were there that none could reform well.

In the chaos turn 4 the knights returned to the board and the prince/phoenix combat continued.

In my turn 5 I manoeuvred all my units to try to terror the warriors out of the tower, while the mage hexed the daemon prince. It was this turn that the prince killed the phoenix.

In Chaos turn 5 the prince, who had reformed after killing the phoenix charged my noble general. The noble was swiftly crushed, but his griffon avenged him and killed the daemon prince.

In my turn 6 I hexed the warriors but could not kill any and they passed their terror test and stayed in the tower. The chaos knights had no charge and the game ended there.

I had killed most of his army, leaving 1 warrior unit and 1 unit of knights. I had lost 1 phoenix, the archers and my noble. Nick gained a 1000 point bonus for the tower and 100 for my general while I had 150 from the general and banners so the final scores were 1671 for me and 1870 for Nick. I was not unhappy with my score as I would now not have to play the watchtower again at this event. Despite losing the game I was now in 3rd place out of 8.


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