The Ambush in the Mountains
The ambush in the mountains The survivors of Udolpho, both soldiers and citizens had fled north east as the town had fallen. Their newly appointed leader, The lady angelica had decided that they would head out through the mountain passes, gathering supplies and reinforcements from the scattered guardposts that dotted the narrow paths, before turning southeast and making for Toscania or even Ravola. At the same time she had sent messengers out ahead to warn these cities of what had happened. The caravan was long and slow and the mountains dangerous. At the edge of the foothills near Toscania the caravan was horrified to spot foul ratmen emerging from the morning mists of the mountain. Quickly the soldiers moved to the front, while the rest of the caravan made haste behind them. Angelica gathered her knights and prayed that any help from Ravola would be quick in arriving. Snikrit cackled madly to himself, as was his habit, as he watched his minions forming up amongst the...